Documenting POST routes

When doing POST, some attributes of our objects may be required. In general case we may need to use different validation rules than the ones defined by base schema class. For that reason, it makes sense to allow different schemas for POST request and response.

For example, let’s assume we want to make book.title a required POST attribute:

# Using Flask app from "Getting started", this is fully working example
class BookCreateSchema(ma.Schema):
    id = ma.fields.Integer(as_string=True)
    title = ma.fields.String(allow_none=False, required=True)
    publisher = ma.fields.String(allow_none=False)
    isbn = ma.fields.String(allow_none=False)

@api.route("/books", methods=["POST"]), response_schema=BookSchema)
def books_create():
    data = BookCreateSchema(many=False).load(flask.request.json)
    # Create object from data...
    return flask.jsonify(
            {"id": 42, "title": "title", "publisher": "publisher", "isbn": "isbn"}

Above code will get us:
