Documenting custom marshmallow field types

flask-marshmallow-openapi relies heavily on apispec to generate type documentation. apispec itself works well with all marshmallow.Field types and has documentation how to add new ones.

Since flask-marshmallow-openapi strongly encapsulates apispec, instead of exposing it to end users, OpenAPI middleware implements wrappers for internal apispec functionality. This is best explained by example.

Lets assume we want to introduce filed type representing ULID.

First, we need to create marshmallow.Field class:

class UlidField(fields.String):
        "type": "string",
        "format": "ULID",
        "examples": [

        "name": "id",
        "in": "path",
        "required": True,
        "allowEmptyValue": False,
        "schema": {k: v for k, v in OPENAPI_SCHEMA_ATTRS.items() if k != "examples"},

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.metadata["format"] = self.OPENAPI_SCHEMA_ATTRS["format"]
        self.validators.insert(0, ulid_validator)

RE_ULID = re.compile(r"[0-9A-HJKMNP-TV-Z]{26}")

def ulid_validator(value):
    if not RE_ULID.match(value):
        raise ValidationError("must be ULID encoded as Crockford's base32 string!")

Then, let’s add some schemas using it:

class PublisherSchema(ma.Schema):
    id = UlidField()
    name = ma.fields.String()
    address = ma.fields.String()

@api.route("/publishers", methods=["GET"])
def publishers_list():

@api.route("/publishers/<publisher_id>", methods=["GET"])
def publishers_details(publisher_id):

Problem is, this is still not showing correct type in docs:


We need to do some more work for that to happen:

  • override URL parameter ID definition (like in “Documenting URL parameters”)

  • override generated type documentation for our new field

First, let’s override URL parameter:

class SchemaOpts(ma.SchemaOpts):
    def __init__(self, meta, *args, **kwargs):
        self.url_parameters: list[ParameterObject | dict] | None = getattr(
            meta, "url_parameters", None
        super().__init__(meta, *args, **kwargs)

class PublisherSchema(ma.Schema):
    OPTIONS_CLASS = SchemaOpts

    class Meta:
        url_parameters = [
                "name": "id",
                "in": "path",
                "required": True,
                "allowEmptyValue": False,
                "schema": {
                    k: v
                    for k, v in UlidField.OPENAPI_SCHEMA_ATTRS.items()
                    # Not strictly necessary, but reduces spam in docs
                    if k != "examples"

    id = UlidField()
    name = ma.fields.String()
    address = ma.fields.String()

Finally, we need to inform OpenAPI middleware of our new type:

conf = OpenAPISettings(
    api_version="v1", api_name="My API", app_package_name="my_api", mounted_at="/v1"
docs = OpenAPI(config=conf)

def Ulid_field2properties(self, field, **kwargs):
    if isinstance(field, UlidField):
        return UlidField.OPENAPI_SCHEMA_ATTRS.items()
    return dict()



All calls to OpenAPI.add_attribute_function() must happen before OpenAPI.init_app.

Obviously, if OpenAPI is initialized like docs = OpenAPI(config, app) then it is already to late to call OpenAPI.add_attribute_function().

More details on why and how this works are in apispec custom fields documentation

This finally gives us correct type and correct example values in generated docs:
