Documenting PATCH routes

Similar to POST, PATCH-ing objects might also require different validation rules than the ones defined by base schema class. This means that @patch decorator would also benefit from having different schemas for request and response bodies (just like @post).

For example, let’s assume that we don’t want to allow update of

# Using Flask app from "Getting started", this is fully working example
class BookUpdateSchema(ma.Schema):
    id = ma.fields.Integer(as_string=True, dump_only=True)
    title = ma.fields.String(allow_none=False)
    publisher = ma.fields.String(allow_none=False)
    isbn = ma.fields.String(allow_none=False)

@api.route("/books", methods=["PATCH"])
@open_api.patch(request_schema=BookUpdateSchema, response_schema=BookSchema)
def books_update():
    data = BookUpdateSchema(many=False).load(flask.request.json)
    # Update object from data...
    return flask.jsonify(
            {"id": 42, "title": "title", "publisher": "publisher", "isbn": "isbn"}

@patch decorator assumes using of positional integer object identifier named id just like @get_detail. Using different names for positional parameters, different types and documenting named URL params is all supported and is demonstrated later in the docs.

Above code will get us:


PATCH routes without ID

These should be rare in decent behaving API-s, but we still might need them sometimes. Simply use has_id_in_path=False parameter for @patch decorator:

# Using Flask app from "Getting started", this is fully working example
class ApiHealthCheckUpdateSchema(ma.Schema):
    api_version = ma.fields.String(allow_none=False)
    component_version = ma.fields.String(allow_none=False, dump_only=True)
    status = ma.fields.Integer(as_string=True, dump_only=True)

@api.route("/health_check", methods=["PATCH"])
def health_check_update():
    data = ApiHealthCheckUpdateSchema(many=False).load(flask.request.json)
    # Update object from data...
    return ApiHealthCheckSchema(many=False).dump(
        {"api_version": "v1", "component_version": "1.2.3", "status": 42}
